"May I point out that a first officer is more expendable than either a
captain or a [first officer[?]]"
-- Spock
Kirk's attempt to pick up a shipment of a vital mineral embroils him in the
demands of the oppressed miners (Trogs) against the cultured rulers on
cloud city. The planet Ardona is the only place where senite exists. The
dust in the mines causes mental retardation in the Trogs, who want Kirk to
help them. Kirk doesn't want to get involved, but needs the senite..
Yes, it is "Cloud Minders", not "Cloud Miners". I checked the
Kirk defies Star Fleet Command. - Spock falls in love with Droxine.
Kirk falls for Vanna.
An interesting (and fairly original) plot. Would have been interesting to
see them expand on it a bit. The storyline is very socially conscious with
respect to 1960s USA.