"They can't take much more of this."
--Spock (about the deflectors)
"Gentlemen, I suggest you beam me aboard."
"[Scotty, you've earned your pay for the week]."
--Kirk (and/or in "Balance of Terror")
The Starship Enterprise and the damaged Starship Constellation (sans its
400 crew) battle an enormous horn/carrot-shaped machine that destroys
planets and ships for fuel. It came from outside the galaxy, and is headed
for the Rigel system, the most densely populated part of the galaxy. Its
hull is solid neutronium. Commodore Matt Decker, who somehow got to be a
starfleet officer (and good friend of Kirk, naturally), steals the
Enterprise (after destroying his own ship - the Constellation
NCC-1017 - and his 400 crew), and eventually kamikazes himself
into the horn with an
Enterprise shuttlecraft. The seven planets in system L370 are destroyed,
and all but two planets on system L374 (Decker beamed his crew to the third
Decker has a different insignia on his shirt--like a script capital "I".
No Uhura.
Decker is this week's dork.
USS Constellation's log is Stardate 4202.1.
Nominated for "Outstanding Achievements in Film Editing" Emmy in 67-68
(Donald R. Rode).
Wil Decker (from the movies) is probably Matt Decker's son.
Transporter malfunction.
The plot was okay, but Decker was bogus. Is there some unwritten law in
Star Fleet that you can't be a high-ranking official unless you're
borderline insane?