I hate:
- Algorithm patents
- American export laws
- Anthrax (the bacteria, not the band)
- Anti-crypto laws
- Arrogance
- Bureaucracy
- Cancer
- Child abuse
- Cold
- Concentration camps
- Death penalty
- Dictators
- Discrimination (race, sex, politics, religion)
- Dishonesty
- Drunk drivers
- Environmental pollution
- Extreme left wing politics
- Extreme right wing politics
- Facism in general and fascists in particular
- Finnish movie censorship
- Finnish winter time speed limits
- Governments that know what I need better than me
- Hard disk crashes
- Heroin
- High taxes
- Holocaust
- Homophobia
- Human rights violations
- Imperialism
- Incompetent computer administration
- Inconsiderate neighbours
- Industrial waste
- Injustice
- Jealousy
- Ku Klux Klan
- Laws that limit personal privacy
- Mass murderers
- Military governments
- Microsoft Windows
- Nazism in general and nazis in particular
- Negligent people
- Nuclear fucking tests (there is no hell, there is only France)
- Nuclear fucking weapons
- Ozon layer destruction
- Police states
- Poison gas
- Poverty
- Rapists
- Religious fundamentalism
- Scientology
- Screaming
- Snakes
- Spammers
- Spiders
- Stupidity
- Terrorism
- `The Bold and the Beautiful'
- Timewasting bastards
- Torture
- University Physics
- Unsolicited e-mail
- Violence (especially if against helpless)
- War
- Whalehunt
- Whining
- White power
- Yellow pages (network intruder service, you know)